Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Vampire Diaries - The Sacrifice-Season 2 Episode 10 Online Streaming

Elena sees someone in her doorway. He disappears just as she looks his way. She goes to investigate and all she sees is Alaric. The real man sneaking around, Dr. Jonas Martin, has escaped. He stole several of Elena's possessions and sneaks out the front door. Meanwhile, Damon and Stefan try to deactivate the moonstone. They need to retrieve it from Katherine first. She offers to give up the moonstone and leave Mystic Falls forever only if they let her out. They do not agree to this.

Luka helps Bonnie with her magical powers since she has been experiencing side effects such as fainting and nosebleeds. They swap jewelry and do magic together. Jeremy arrives and Luka leaves. Bonnie later realizes that they did not swap back their jewelry, leaving her with Luka's necklace. Bonnie goes to tell Stefan and Jeremy that she can break the tomb spell temporarily. She creates an ash that will anticipate Katherine's arrival and they can quickly grab the stone and leave. Jeremy steals some of the ash to go get the moonstone himself. He sprinkles the ash on Katherine and finds the moonstone, but does not escape before the ash wears off. Katherine attacks, and Jeremy throws the stone out of the barrier. Luckily he is wearing the special ring so Katherine can drain him all she wants, but he will not die. Bonnie, Damon, and Stefan arrive, and Katherine threatens them to free her, or she won't release Jeremy.

Meanwhile, Elena gets Rose to help her find Slater. Rose agrees, reluctantly. The two arrive at Slater's, only to find him dead. They break into his files with the help of his girlfriend, Alice. Elena has Alice send Cody, someone in Slater's contact list, a message to Klaus that the doppelganger is still alive and is ready to surrender. Rose realizes that Elena plans to make herself a sacrifice. Rose gets help from Damon, but Elena refuses to leave. It turns out that Jonas took some stuff from Elena's to do some magic for Elijah. Elijah bursts into Slater's apartment, revealing he is still alive. Rose peaces out after she sees that the doppelganger is still alive.

Back at the tomb, Bonnie tries to break the spell, but it is too much and they all collapse. Stefan jumps in and pushes Jeremy out of harms way, leaving him stuck in the tomb with Katherine. When Luka collapses, Jonas freaks out. Elijah returns and Jonas says that he spared Damon because he will keep Elena safe until they need her again. Jonas questions his involvement with Elijah. Bonnie and Jeremy are annoyed at each other because of what happened. Jeremy tries to kiss her and gets turned down. Damon brings Elena back home and Jeremy tells them what happened. They go to the tomb and Stefan makes Damon promise to protect her.

Caroline helps Tyler out and they go find a journal in Mason's cave which documents the transformation into a vampire in detail. Tyler freaks out when he sees this and questions Caroline's motives. She confesses to him that she killed someone once when she transformed and didn't want him to have to go through it alone. Matt comes to the door to tell Caroline that he misses her. At that moment, Tyler comes to the door and makes it seem like him and Caroline are an item.


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